Case Study

Opening the Door to a Flush of New Solutions

Sector: Environmental Services & Equipment

Client Context

In spite of a post-pandemic boom in outdoor concerts, weddings, and similar events, a leading provider of portable sanitation services for outdoor venues found itself struggling to achieve its sales targets.


Unable to capitalize on a booming market

One of our client’s key lines of business, focused on portable hospitality services such as portapotties, handwashing stations, and temporary fencing for events, should have been flourishing given the growth in the U.S. event market. Yet, the division was hampered by an inefficient lead gen process that involved manually scouring individual websites to source leads, which were then disseminated through spreadsheets and emails rather than one comprehensive platform. Not surprisingly, this scattershot approach led to a black hole of missed opportunities and stagnating sales. In addition, there was little coordination between territories, and so sales reps were chasing leads that were logistically impractical.

The Work

Understanding an inefficient lead gen process

NextAccess came into the engagement with an eye towards better understanding the deficiencies in the client’s existing sales pipeline management. This discovery phase uncovered the time-intensive nature of the sales team’s efforts, yet with little to show for it. In addition to a low volume of leads, those that were generated were often of lesser quality and less likely to lead to a signed contract. After mapping the current state of the process, the NextAccess team analyzed different approaches, which included looking at AI-driven solutions that could pull from hundreds of sources to optimize for variables such as upcoming festivals, high-profile events, niche categories, etc.

The Solution

Using AI to retool the sales pipeline

Research and analysis showed that by integrating the existing network with a predictive analytics platform, the client’s sales reps would have a system that could quickly and easily run analytics that would identify highly qualified leads. With NextAccess’ proof of concept offering visibility across a number of variables, from events in a particular locale to trends in venues, the sales reps could maximize opportunities within each assigned territory, with everyone privy to their colleagues’ leads rather than working with disparate and siloed data.

The Result

Accelerated growth and tapping into new markets

With new insight into the total addressable market for its portable sanitation services, the client’s sales team locked in ~$5M in incremental annual revenue as part of its annual budget planning and has generated over $400K in opportunities won in just over a month. The company is also using the increased insights available within the new system to map out sectors with the most growth potential. This has included using the system’s predictive abilities to look into new areas of growth and the burgeoning demand for more sophisticated amenities such as restroom trailers. The client is wasting no time in not only exploring additional offerings, but also expanding new services to long-standing customers.

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