Featured Insights

Change Management Has Changed Forever

September 23, 2024

Do you remember the exact moment the Internet became an integral part of your life?  Yeah, me neither. There wasn’t one single point in time where you went from nothing to IoT. The steps that brought the Internet into our lives were incremental, enabling us to learn along the way. It started with an AOL disk in your mailbox with painfully slow speeds. And now… practically ubiquitous Internet access, WiFi everywhere, Alexa, Uber, work from home…and AI. Who knows what comes next?


Enhancing Customer Loyalty With AI-Driven Retention Strategies

August 23, 2004

In business, customer retention is a critical metric for success. While acquiring new customers is essential, retaining existing ones is far more cost-effective and can significantly boost profitability, particularly when viewed through the lens of the lifetime value of a customer. Traditional retention strategies, however, often fall short in addressing the nuanced and often fickle nature of customer behavior. This is one area in which AI tools shine, as they revolutionize how forward-thinking businesses approach customer loyalty and retention. By integrating AI into retention strategies, businesses can unlock new avenues for growth and profitability, making customer loyalty not just a goal but a sustainable reality.


Mastering Multi-Stakeholder Discovery in Enterprise Sales: The AI Advantage

August 9, 2024

In the world of enterprise sales, information is power. And nowhere is this more true than in the discovery phase of big deals. Yet, too often, sales professionals make the critical mistake of limiting their discovery efforts to a single point of contact or a small subset of stakeholders. This narrow approach can lead to costly blindsides that derail even the most promising opportunities. Let's dive into why comprehensive, multi-stakeholder discovery is essential in landing those game-changing deals, and how AI can revolutionize this process.


How can AI drive alpha in private capital?

July 18, 2024

Every private capital fund, regardless of investment thesis, is considering the impact that AI will have on how they conduct their business and how their portfolio companies can successfully leverage AI. Venture capital and growth equity funds must consider not only if AI will impact the viability of a company’s current products and services before they invest in the next round, but also how AI tools can generate competitive advantage within the operations of their current portfolio companies. Put more simply, private capital investors who become early adopters in this AI revolution will have a competitive advantage in driving alpha for their LPs.


AI-Enhanced Strategic Planning: A Secret Weapon for Marketing Success

July 12, 2024

Developing a strong strategic plan is essential not only for setting a vision for the company, but also for building a strong marketing plan that supports business success through enhancing marketing effectiveness, customer connection, and resource management. Therefore, integrating AI into the strategic plan also reaps benefits at the marketing level. A good place for a company to start its AI journey is where the need is greatest and the impact will be the strongest: understanding its markets and target customers. By mining more data more quickly, companies can find deeper insights and also stay agile as they respond to changing conditions.


Do You know where your AI Is?

June 24, 2024

Going to see a doctor for a health concern is never a pleasant experience, but patients at least have the expectation of treatments that will lead to improvement. Yet, in 2023 a software developer at a healthcare company integrated an unauthorized AI diagnostic tool into the company's electronic health record system, leading to inaccurate patient diagnoses and treatment recommendations. This incident highlights the risks of using unvetted AI tools in sensitive industries like healthcare, but the risks span across all industries.


Why Now

June 14, 2024

At NextAccess, we have the privilege of working with clients across various industries. One thing that I've observed is the different ways that companies are experimenting with and starting to adopt AI. Some companies are letting experimentation happen organically, and various groups or departments are free to try different tools to see if they can find a meaningful use case. Other companies are taking a very directed top-down approach, identifying specific opportunities and charging full speed ahead with custom solutions. A third group of companies is taking a wait-and-see approach and asking, "Why now?"


Empowering Advancement Through AI: Strategies for Leaders in Education

May 17, 2024

For educational institutions and nonprofits, the extraordinary potential for AI to transform advancement strategies — furthering an organization’s mission through fundraising, donor engagement, and alumni relations — is becoming increasingly clear. However, the reality is that most nonprofits and educational institutions are just beginning their AI journey.


Big in Japan: AI in the Insurance Industry

March 15, 2024

One thing we hear a lot of are questions around use cases for AI in specific industries. Recently, NextAccess sat down with Wil Bachman of staffing firm Umbrex to discuss a consulting engagement in the automotive sector that used AI tools to streamline and improve the auto accident claims process.


Regulatory Roundup

March 22, 2024

Even as companies are rushing to invest in AI strategies, they’re also thinking about the implications of some of the regulatory changes that might be coming down the pike—or at least they should be. While the AI landscape has a bit of a Wild West feel to it at the moment, eventually the sheriff is coming to town, and firms should be thinking now about how they can stave off the incipient gunbattles before they wind up in the hoosegow.


AI and Marketing: What You Should Know

March 1, 2024

NextAccess recently attended a roundtable event held in NYC which brought together speakers from some of the most well-known companies out there: Ogilvy, Zappos, Meta, and Microsoft, among others. Designed for a marketing audience, the event sought to untangle some of the confusion around AI and to discuss how marketers should be thinking about incorporating AI tools into their workstreams and processes in a realistic and methodical way.


Using AI in RevOps Today, Part 2

February 15, 2024

Our previous article kicked off a discussion into how businesses could dip their toes into turbulent AI waters, so to speak, by incorporating a few relatively simple tools into their workstreams. 

Today we continue that discussion with a look at other aspects of RevOps that can be streamlined with AI integrations, such as data consolidation.


Using AI in RevOps, Starting Today

February 1, 2024

Yes, literally today. Many companies are floundering a bit these days when it comes to AI and figuring out how to incorporate it into their business operations. And, understandably so—there’s an incredible amount of information being disseminated, to the point that it’s easier to just do nothing until somehow it all shakes out.


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