
Using AI in RevOps, Starting Today

February 1, 2024

Yes, literally today. Many companies are floundering a bit these days when it comes to AI and figuring out how to incorporate it into their business operations. And, understandably so—there’s an incredible amount of information being disseminated, to the point that it’s easier to just do nothing until somehow it all shakes out.

Pro tip: nothing is going to shake out, and none of this is going to get any easier. In fact, the opposite is true, as more and more products and services come down the pike. But rather than looking at all of this with dread, companies should be excited about the many opportunities available now and in the near future. NextAccess has mapped out 65 critical capabilities across all areas of GTM  and assessed them in terms of the level of automation and transformational impact that can be achieved through AI, and that’s only the beginning. The number of AI-focused startups focused on GTM—and RevOps in particular—is astonishing right now, as they attack problems that have been long-standing challenges for most organizations. There are AI innovations in sales enablement, territory creation, data cleansing, forecasting, messaging architecture, and much more. 

Let’s look at several of the biggest opportunities we’re seeing right now for RevOps teams to amp up their capabilities. One of those is in the realm of improved sales hygiene. 

Improving Sales Hygiene through AI and Automation

In sales, data is everything, yet one of the biggest challenges is getting sales teams to keep their information up to date. If the data isn’t in their CRM, it doesn’t exist, for all the good that it does anyone. The problem, of course, is that for salespeople, anything that doesn’t involve pitching potential customers is a waste of their time. 

By automating data collection through AI, those roadblocks fade away. Here’s a use case on how your sales team can improve this process exponentially (and easily) with the use of AI:

  1. Sales executive has a Zoom meeting with a prospect, transcript is saved in their sales tech infrastructure (e.g., Zoom, Gong, etc.)

  2. Analysis of the call transcript (either from ChatGPT or Claude) happens automatically as soon as the call ends, providing an overall summary, sentiment analysis, action items, and key next steps

  3. The transcript and summary are automatically uploaded into Salesforce or Hubspot 

  4. Post-call action items are automatically uploaded as well

  5. Next steps with due dates, if identified on the call, are automatically included

  6. Email with a link to review all of this content is automatically sent to the sales executive with prompts to fill in any missing pieces of data

This can be done easily—yes, today—using a workflow automation tool like Zapier to tie the different components (e.g., Zoom, ChatGPT, and CRMs) together, quickly and seamlessly and with minimal changes to existing sales workflows. The improvement in data hygiene will be immediate, with a clear positive impact on moving the sales pipeline forward.


We know that no one is going to become an AI expert overnight, but by sharing some easier AI implementations, we’re hoping to at least get people playing around with some of the tools available and getting comfortable with how they work. Next time, we’ll continue this article with a couple more examples of AI tools that your sales team can start experimenting with right away. The possibilities truly are endless.

Source: Three Ways You Can Start Using AI

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