Case Study

The Buzz: Promoting New Products with AI

Sector: DigitalChalk/Software

Client Context

An industry-leading Learning Management System (LMS) company had added exciting new features to its signature software, but was struggling to capitalize on its investment.


New Features Slow to Gain Traction

After upgrading its training software with significant new video capabilities, the client was puzzled that this hadn’t resulted in increased revenue or higher customer retention. At issue was the org structure, with product and marketing teams working in silos and each unaware of PR opportunities around major releases. In addition, there was little collaboration between C-level execs and the PR/marketing teams, and so those who were writing the marketing collateral for new products had little insight into the differentiating features of these offerings

The Work

A Cascading Confluence of Communication Confusion

In order to better understand the disconnect between different teams, NextAccess interviewed marketing and PR as well as C-level execs to determine where the greatest bottlenecks were and to clarify roles and responsibilities. They discovered that not only was there a lack of transparency around what each team was doing, but there were also massive inefficiencies in how information was gathered for press releases and marketing material. With PR interviewing the CTO about the technical enhancements, that info was then interpreted by the PR person and subsequently cycled through a lengthy review process with numerous stakeholders, resulting in inaccurate messaging, interminable delays, and a great deal of time and effort expended by all involved, including very senior-level people.

The Solution

AI Helps Streamline the Process Significantly

By identifying the operational roadblocks that were leading to miscommunication and inefficiencies, NextAccess was able to re-engineer the release announcement cadence and eliminate those blockages by leveraging AI to streamline information gathering. With the new process, the CTO would demo the features of a new release to the CMO on Zoom, with the recording and transcript subsequently analyzed by ChatGPT. By using specific prompts, the marketing team could easily create blog posts, release announcements, press releases, social media posts, and sales collateral. All of the content could be tailored to different audiences, with emphasis on tailored solutions and benefits as appropriate. 

The Result

Fast-Tracking New Product Announcements is the Gateway to Increased ROI

With the new procedures in place and AI embedded into the process, release-related time and effort dropped by 75% and eliminated the need for an external PR consultant, saving thousands of dollars per release. Social media engagement rose 10x, and existing client satisfaction rose as the new features directly addressed suggestions from customers. By cutting the time it took to generate marketing material from a month to a day, the revamped methodology freed up all involved to focus on growing the business, rather than on the frustrations inherent in a byzantine process. 

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