Case Study

To Sell is Human; To Sell Well is AI

Sector: Sciolytix/Software

Client Context

A leading provider of sales enablement software had developed a ground-breaking assessment tool to facilitate hiring, but found that customers needed more support in order to take advantage of its key features.


A Cutting Edge Tool Needs a Boost

To help businesses tackle the thorny problem of hiring the best salespeople, our client had developed a predictive simulation tool that scored candidates on 11 sales competencies and then generated a comprehensive report for hiring managers. Those who were hired could then be trained accordingly based on their identified strengths and weaknesses. While customers loved the assessment tool, they were often at a loss when it came to the training aspect, leaving them unable to maximize their new hires’ professional growth and productivity. Our client was interested in offering training modules to help customers with the professional development and coaching necessary, but was unable to get the program off the ground as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were too busy to devote time to creating the training and the material was too specialized to delegate.

The Work

Looking for an Efficiency Workaround

The team looked at the existing process, which relied on the SMEs to create training material from scratch even though training wasn’t their area of expertise—and, quite frankly, not something they were interested in tackling. We quickly realized that it would be more efficient to first get the information needed from the SMEs and then synthesize that information into training modules on specific topics, implementing these as separate workstreams.

The Solution

Helping Salespeople reach their full potential through targeted training modules

Knowing that end customers were looking for a training solution that would help them develop their salespeoples’ consultative skills while also coaching those who had traits associated with a leadership track, NextAccess began by interviewing the SMEs to get key information. We then used a range of AI tools to synthesize that data, using the interviews to create relevant courses that included assessments, skill-building exercises, and coaching recommendations, mapping competencies to specific learning exercises. In addition to the use of ChatGPT, we used text-to-video generative AI software to create training videos with avatar instructors and compelling storylines, with scripts that could easily be changed, unlike typical videos that would accrue significant editing costs. Previously, this kind of effort would have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars and at least a year to complete. Here, the entire Training Academy with its many different training and coaching programs was completed and ready to roll in just eight weeks.

The Result

Addition of AI-Powered training academy powers results

Within just a short period of time after launching the Training Academy, over 40% of the client’s customers were actively enrolled in at least one program. Engagement surpassed expectations, and the client’s business generated over $70K in upsell revenue in just four months. 

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